Friday, May 27, 2011

To Whom It May Concern

The title to this blog is a chronicle of my life. Sitting, mostly shoved away in random storage containers and various places about my house, are millions of what (I am sure of) use to be parts of the rain forest. Splashed upon these pulped and pressed carcasses are liters upon liters of black, red, and even blue ink. All of this is, of course, bound and contained within notebooks of various size and shape; all filled to the brim with doodles and hastily scrawled ideas that use to plague my brain until they were vomited up onto those unsuspecting pages. From ideas on how to save the world to blue prints of ray-guns for destroying it, my ideas began to pile up over the eighteen or so years of my writing into heinous heaps of decaying journals.

In an attempt to end my contribution to the slaughter of this worlds precious air-giving foliage, I tried converting to only typing my words on a computer. However, I found that it can never compare to the readily available Moleskine, as you neither have to log onto, nor start up a notebook…and then attempt to run over the phrase in your head while furiously over clicking to try and bring up the program you need to write within, only to have the ‘notebook’ freeze up and lead to you loosing both your thought, and your temper all at the same time. Needless to say, my stab at going green went right down the drain.  With that little failure, I went right back to square one (which happened to be a lovely little pressed flower covered journal with recycled pages that was mostly chosen out of guilt).

However, after several weeks of trying to convince myself that I could try again, I finally realized this: I don’t care. That is right, I don’t. Not for the worlds depleting forests, and not for the overwhelming ink shortages that are going on around the world; I am left deaf to their cries. Call me a cold hearted, no good soul, call me a wrathful writer, or any variation of all those names, but I’ll turn my back on your condemning eyes. Why, you may ask? How could I possibly be this self-centered? Because most of the paper I use happens to already be recycled. The little triangle symbols in the corners apparently mean that.

Yes, I think I might have felt better had I realized this a few years ago, myself…but oh well, hind-sight is 20/20. In light of all this, I bring you this blog that will chronicle my adventures as a writer, and my fight against consuming the world in  my wake all while passing helpful little tid-bits your way.

Killing trees and wasting ink,
